HampCo Towers; home of fine bicycle design, assembly, and frame and fork fabrication:
Steve Hampsten works with customers on fitting and design, orders/ships, pays bills, twiddles wrenches, cleans bikes, wrangles animals, and does much of the other stuff. He’s partial to red wines and IPAs, in case one was wondering.
Martin Tweedy and Steve worked together at match bicycle company in 1997-98 and have worked together on Hampsten Cycles since 1999. Mr. Tweedy builds all of our lugged frames and brazed forks right here, in-house.
Corey Lowe of Seattle-based Eyewater Bicycles, is our latest addition and is building our disc brake carbon frames. Prior to starting Eyewater, Corey spent years perfecting his fabrication and design skills working for Specialized, Parlee, Cannondale, and Allied Cycle Works.
Jason Grove at El Camino Fab meticulously fabricates our welded steel frames in lovely Prineville, OR, while our paint is carefully applied by handsome Eric Dungey at Colorworks Palette in Eugene, OR. Both Eric and Jason have done numerous projects for us over the years; under their own names and while working for others. We like them.
Brad Bingham is building our titanium frames in Steamboat Springs, CO. Brad has welded most of our titanium frames over the years, while at Moots and at Kent Eriksen Cycles, which he recently purchased from Kent.
Ken Hillyer at Slug City Cycles does most of our repair and assembly. Our favorite local shop - and our only dealer! - is Shots and Sprockets way over in lovely Magnolia.
Michael Matisse
Website design and admin by Martin Fernandez
Andy’s day job – Cinghiale Cycling Tours – is where we go to relax, ride, and have fun in Italy.
Previous builders: these folks all built for us in the past and have since moved on. We’re still pals, RIP, they’re busy, it’s not you it’s me, etc.:
R & E Cycles – www.rodbikes.com Peter Graham
Max Kullaway/333fab
Co-Motion Cycles – www.co-motion.com
Moots Cycles – www.moots.com
Independent Fabrication – www.ifbikes.com
Dave Levy/Ti Cycles – www.ticycles.com
Carl Strong – www.strongframes.com
Parlee Cycles – www.parleecycles.com